søndag 27. september 2009

Coin shooting finally pays off

Well, good news. I finally found my first coins! I'm starting to get familiar with my metal detector, so I can to some degree now understand when I've found a coin instead of a nail.

I did however find some nails this time too, though this time one were a bit more interesting. I don't know if it's actually a nail, though. I am guessing it might have been used for a bridge or something, when people dragged iceblocks over there. I found it close to a river.

Anyway, for the coins, I found three. The smallest one, a 10 øre, somehow got lost when I came home, sadly.. But the 2 others seem nice.

This one is a 10 kr from 1983. I remember using these coins when I was little. I always loved these ones, and it's cool to find one now.

This one here is quite interesting, it's a 2 øre from 1953!

If you don't know already, 1 kr (or NOK)) is about $0,17. It's 100 øre in 1 kr. Kr stands for "Krone". In english that would translate to "Crown".

2 kommentarer:

  1. Nice score on the '53 øre! I did a feature on the coins of Norway that I own, none that old, but if you're interested:

  2. Cool! You got some nice one at the first there.. Oh and by the way, I found another 2 øre! This one was from '50. It was just lying on top of the soil though.. Don't know how that is possible, but oh well.
